Copper Wire Gauges

Derived from the American Wire Gauge (AWG) standardized measurement system, the term gauge indicates the overall thickness of a given wire. In general, the smaller the gauge number, the larger the size of the wire itself. A wire’s gauge size is a basic yet important consideration that ensures that a cable meets its required current-carrying capacity.

Mercury Wire offers a range of copper wire gauges supporting the construction of wire and cable suitable for use across a multitude of applications. We work with a variety of copper types, including bare, tinned, and oxygen-free copper. The table below is a summary of the most frequently used copper gauges offered by Mercury Wire along with several key characteristics.

Don’t see a specific gauge? Give us a call or send us an email!

Gauge Cable/Wire Diameter Max Current Area Copper Resistance
AWG Inches MM Amperes MM² Ω/KFT
1/0 0.3249 8.252 150 53.5 0.09827
1 0.2893 7.348 119 42.4 0.1239
2 0.2576 6.544 94 33.6 0.1563
4 0.2043 5.189 60 21.2 0.2485
8 0.1285 3.264 24 8.37 0.6282
10 0.1019 2.588 15 5.26 0.9989
12 0.0808 2.053 9.3 3.31 1.588
16 0.0508 1.291 3.7 1.31 4.016
18 0.0403 1.024 2.3 0.823 6.385
19 0.0359 0.912 1.8 0.653 8.051
20 0.0320 0.812 1.5 0.518 10.15
21 0.0285 0.723 1.2 0.410 12.80
22 0.0253 0.644 0.92 0.326 16.14
23 0.0226 0.573 0.729 0.258 20.36
24 0.0201 0.511 0.577 0.205 25.67
25 0.0179 0.455 0.457 0.162 32.37
26 0.0159 0.405 0.361 0.129 40.81
27 0.0142 0.361 0.288 0.102 51.47
28 0.0126 0.321 0.226 0.0810 64.90
29 0.0113 0.286 0.182 0.0642 81.84
30 0.0100 0.255 0.142 0.0509 103.2
31 0.00893 0.227 0.113 0.0404 130.1
32 0.00795 0.202 0.091 0.0320 164.1